Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Almost Done!!!

This is my last Instructional Technology class. :( I'm sad because I enjoyed this course and found it very useful for my future as a teacher! I only have one final this week so I'm pretty relaxed about that. I do have a five page paper due on Thursday, but its all about my reflections on my observations for the semester; that will be fairly easy. I am a little nervous about my final tomorrow because it is for my art course and that's going to be a lot of information to take in. I did pretty well on the midterm, so I think I'll be fine for the final. Idid quite a bit this weekend. I had an interview at the school I'm observing at next semester, which went SO well! I absolutely love the school! I really would like to teach there. On Saturday I had work. Ken came home on Sunday, so we had pizza with his family and then went shopping. We went out for lunch on Monday then I went out shopping with my mom. DPhiE is doing a Christmas Party for some kids who's moms attend meetings at a battered women's shelter. We're donating gifts for the kids. I had three girls and three boys to shop for (my mom and I wanted to go shopping for them). The girls were 2, 13, and 16 and the boys were 3, 9, and 11. I really loved shopping for them, and I really hope they enjoy the gifts! I hope everyone enjoys their breaks!!! Happy Holidays! :)

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