Thursday, December 8, 2011

This Week...

This week was completely crazy, I don't think I went to be any early than 3AM everyday. I've just had so much to do. I admit I've procrastinated, but only because I work better under pressure. However, I may have let a little too much pile up. I only have two finals next week, so I won't be so stressed. My room looks like a disaster area, I have just been putting my stuff wherever I see space, I feel awful for my roommate. Today, I have to present two lesson plans back to back. I'm not really stressed, but its getting irritating. I think I'll be okay though. On Friday I have an interview with the principal of the school I'm observing at next semester. I'm nervous, but at the same time I'm really excited. I've talked to the principal before and he seems very nice, but I'm still a little nervous.


  1. Ahh that's crazy! The stress is bad, but I'm sure you will be just fine! I'm sure you roommate still loves you even though you basically took over everything in your room. You will do AMAZING on your lesson plans because you are such a good student. I'm sure that you will do just fine on your interview. I wish you the best of luck, even though you won't need it.

  2. I give you a lot of credit because I would NOT be able to function if I went to bed anytime after 12am. Well that’s also because I have to get up every morning at 6am to go to work, I am a nanny. Good luck at your meeting, dont be nervous you will do fine!
