Tuesday, October 25, 2011


We all just made accounts on SurveyMonkey.com. I just made my first survey and it's about favorite types of music. :) Please take it and let me know how it is!!! It's only five questions and very basic. Thanks!

The Survey!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I'm so ready for the weekend, it's not even funny.

For some reason, I am just SO tired today. I cannot wait to go home tonight and be with my family. I have my music class after this (but it should go by quickly since the other students are presenting today) and then my other education class's midterm (which I should literally just breeze through). Tomorrow I'm observing my first graders! I'm so excited, they're so interesting to observe. On Saturday I'm going to the zoo with the program I work with (Daisy). The zoo is my FAVORITE trip to go on with Daisy. The participants get very excited and always have a great time there. After work, I'm going to babysit the two little girls that I've been babysitting since they were born. On Sunday I'm going to a walk for Alzheimer's in Paramus. I'm very excited because I really enjoyed doing the Breast Cancer walk last week. I also want to go to the Alzheimer's walk because I have a few friends that have family members who suffered or are suffering from Alzheimer's. I would love to support the cause in honor of them.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I'm presenting my first lesson plan in music today and I'm freaking out!

So, the title of this post is self explanatory. I have my very first presentation today and of course I'm the first one in the class to present. I'm nervous that I'm going to not do so well and be a little shaky. I would really like to get a good grade on this lesson. My lesson plan itself is fine, I'm just VERY nervous for the presentation part. Hopefully it'll go alright. On another note, I finally figured out how to start my webpage! Yay! I'll definitely post it on here once I finish it up!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Two Day Week is Over (after my other two classes)

Caldwell College gave us two days off for Columbus day (which eventually turned into a five day weekend for me, because I don't have class on Fridays). On Friday I had an event for Delta Phi Epsilon and then we went to Applebee's after. Saturday was Bid Day for the new members so we had some Italian food and music, it was a lot of fun, but I was really sick so I didn't enjoy it as much. Then two of my sisters drove me half way home and my mom met us at a rest stop. On Sunday I went to Hoboken and the MoMa with my boyfriend. I stayed home and relaxed on Monday becuase I felt SO sick, then on Tuesday, before heading back to school, I went to the doctors. The doctor said it was just a cold and I would be okay. Then I went back to school and studied for my art midterm (which I had yesterday). That was my only class yesterday and today I have this class, my music class, and then my other education class. And I'm so excited to go home because I'm observing tomorrow! Then on Saturday I have my first day of work (for the season) and I'm going back to school because on Sunday I'm participating in a breast cancer walk with my sorority sisters! :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Columbus Day Break!

It's Columbus Day weekend this weekend! Friday and Saturday I have DphiE things so I won't be going home until Saturday night. Then on Sunday I'm going to the MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) with my boyfriend. I need to go to the MoMA for my art class. The day the rest of the class is going is my first day of work so I need to go another day. After the MoMA, we'll probably go out to eat in Hoboken. On Monday I'll hang around with my sister and probably go shopping. I might go back to Caldwell on Monday night. If I don't, then I will observe on Tuesday. I really hope I can observe Tuesday because I would like to see how the students are on other days of the week (since I usually observe on Fridays). I'm so excited for the weekend! I just really want to relax and have a little time to rest, especially after rush week! :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rush Week!!!

This week is rush for my sorority Delta Phi Epsilon! Rush week is our recruitment week for women interested in becoming a part of Delta Phi Epsilon. We have information sessions and events for Potential New Members. I'm so excited to get new girls involved because Greek life is so new to campus! DphiE is a great sorority and we totally break the stereotype that's often shown in movies and media. We do a lot of philantropic events for ANAD (Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders), CFF (Cystic Fibrosis Foundation), and Delta Phi Epsilon Educational Foundation. We did a HUGE bake sale and hair tinsel event yesterday that raised money for breast cancer awareness! We're also doing a walk on the 16th in Parsipanny for the American Cancer Society and the funds will go to breast cancer research! I'm so excited to go because I've never been to a walk before!