Thursday, October 13, 2011

Two Day Week is Over (after my other two classes)

Caldwell College gave us two days off for Columbus day (which eventually turned into a five day weekend for me, because I don't have class on Fridays). On Friday I had an event for Delta Phi Epsilon and then we went to Applebee's after. Saturday was Bid Day for the new members so we had some Italian food and music, it was a lot of fun, but I was really sick so I didn't enjoy it as much. Then two of my sisters drove me half way home and my mom met us at a rest stop. On Sunday I went to Hoboken and the MoMa with my boyfriend. I stayed home and relaxed on Monday becuase I felt SO sick, then on Tuesday, before heading back to school, I went to the doctors. The doctor said it was just a cold and I would be okay. Then I went back to school and studied for my art midterm (which I had yesterday). That was my only class yesterday and today I have this class, my music class, and then my other education class. And I'm so excited to go home because I'm observing tomorrow! Then on Saturday I have my first day of work (for the season) and I'm going back to school because on Sunday I'm participating in a breast cancer walk with my sorority sisters! :)

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